新 大 陆 诗 双 月 刊 1998年4月第45期 高晓昀·张爱荣 译 李德基  适彼静土 万籁俱寂 玻璃般明澈的水面映出的日光云影 被独木舟划碎了, 湛蓝的晴空下 一泓碧水, 空气沿着双肩和裸露的双腿滑落 此乐何极 纵身在此乐 亦难却 世俗 宠辱 我还是拿手去挡了 就这样, 静静地 我那蹩脚的尝试终于 达到 凝神静思 气运丹田 适彼静土  存 在 心静如水 随清晨一同悄然而至的 芜杂思绪远遁了 雨中的阿拉华依* 笼一层 褐色的晕, 平滑如镜 直惹人的眼 晨起的舟子裸着古铜色的肌肤 优雅地划着独木舟 心 与早晨一同唱起朗朗的 歌 心静如水 淅沥的雨丝里 浸润着幸福 流溢着感激 就这样 静静地 自由地呼吸 回报微笑 此生已足 大自然, 在这里, 尤其是在这里 你和你的伙伴们真了不起 启开了存在深处的那一方静土 * Ala Wai为夏威夷语, 意为运河。  浮 生 真是不可思议 这种感觉不由得你不这么想 我今天又要远走 继续这一生的奔波 夏威夷的风啊 我忠贞不渝, 朝夕相伴的兄弟 我将思你至深 你的中国兄弟 哪会像你一样清新 自海上吹来,温柔无比 你依旧偎我如昔 我怎忍舍了你 走下这阳台 去奔赴别的约会 我能掬一滴泪 算作 最后的拥抱么 ■Doug Reed  Softly, Subtly-Reminder of Being This is a still one. See how the water nearly like glass reflects the images, Stirred only by canoes and a steady flow of current, Observe the nearly perfect blue expanse of the sky, And feel how the air falls still about the shoulders and bare legs. This is a moment. Living in this moment, Blocking out all the flotsam and jetsam Of normal orientation Is not so easy. I take my hand to it. Quietly, ever so quietly This approach and my flawed performance of it Are affirmed. Bringing the attention, The Qi of now To play a role.  On Being Getting still, Eschewing now the interference of my own recordings Which subtly enter the morning There is something now Rather compelling in the near glassy, browned-by-rains Ala Wai With its graceful early-day canoeists With bronze torsos. The heart has sung its songs Loud, aloud In answer to the morning. Getting still, Being grateful For the happiness that is here Amid the droplets of water. Simply, simply to be, To be quiet, To breathe freely, To return smiles: Is this not enough? Nature, here, especially here, You and your cast of players Do a marvelous job of opening that calmed place of Being.  Walking On Strange! Experience is so strange. Here I am, Departing today, and Still a part of routine's rut and rushing about. Ah, Brother Wind! Constant, faithful, ever-present companion You, I suspect, I will miss the most. I know your Chinese cousin may answer a need, But will not be as fresh, as sea-blown free, nor as powerfully gentle as you. And here you are still with me! How do I bid you "Adieu"? Do I simply walk off the lanai And rush on with the other tasks? Can I not bring a tear to this moment Or Some ceremony simulating a last embrace?